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Coordination Development Environment (CDE)

READ ME file for Version 1.1.2

CDE is a first prototype of a tool supporting the use of Coordination Contracts for Java applications. 
The current version (1.1.2) of CDE also supports the specification of Location Contracts for Java applications.

The CDE requires Windows and Java 1.2 (or later) to work. If you don't have any Java runtime environment, you may get one for free from

To install the CDE, copy the folder CDE-1.1.2 on the CD-ROM to any folder in your hard disk, e.g., the C:/Tools/CDE folder. 
To run CDE just double-click on the run.bat batch file in the CDE-1.1.2 folder. 
You may wish to create a shortcut to the batch file in your Windows startup menu or in the quick launch bar.

The Example folder contains files that demonstrate the CDE specification of location contracts on top of Java components.

Any comments and bug reports on CDE are most welcome and should be sent to 

We hope you enjoy the CDE and find coordination contracts and location contracts fun and useful for your work!

The CDE Team

Copyright (c) 2001-2004, ATX Software SA. All rights Reserved


Java JDK 1.2

Software License

The CDE Version 1.1.2 software is distributed under the conditions defined in the
ATX Software License, Version 1.0 ( see license-ATX.txt in the licenses folder)



This work was partially supported through the IST-2001-32747 Project AGILE �Architectures for Mobility.


This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation

This product includes software developed by W3C Consortium

This product includes software developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc

This product includes software developed by Slava Pestov

This product includes software developed by Johannes D�bler

Software Licenses of 3rd party software

CDE software uses the following packages :

xalan.jar, crimson.jar, jaxp.jar,
jedit.jar, xpath.jar

distributed under the following Open Source or Software Distribution agreements:

The software under the package hierarchies beginning 
with javax.xml is covered by the JAXP Reference Implementation 
License (see License-RI.html). 

The software under the package hierarchies beginning with 
org.w3c.dom is covered by the W3C Software License (see

The software under the package hierarchies beginning with 
org.xml.sax is in the Public Domain. 
All of the remaining software in this distribution is covered 
by the Mozilla Public License 1.1 (see License-MPL11.html). 

The software in log4j-core.jar is covered by The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
(see License-ASF.txt).

The software in jedit.jar is covered by GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE 
Version 2.1, February 1999 (see GNU-License2.htm).
Developped by Slava Pestov and the Jipe Project

The software in xpath.jar is covered by MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE 
Version 1.1 (see License-MPL11.html).
jd.xslt, Version 1.2.5, developped by Johannes D�bler,

On to ArgoMobile Part of Tools
Hubert Baumeister (
April 29, 2005