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Oberseminar 02.02.2010

— abgelegt unter:

Es sprechen Studenten über ihre abgeschlossenen Diplomarbeiten und Studienarbeiten.

  • Oberseminar
Wann 02.02.2010
von 14:15 bis 14:45
Wo Raum 057 - 14 Uhr c.t.
Termin übernehmen vCal

Michael Mirwaldt: An adaptive multitier architecture for Lego Mindstorms

Projektarbeit - betreut von Andreas Schroder

In recent years, Lego Mindstorms has gained more and more popularity both as a toy and as a low-cost scientific experimentation platform. Mindstorm robots can be programmed in Java with Lejos, a Java virtual machine for Lego Mindstorms. While the Lejos API gives access to devices, it does not offer support for robotic architectures beyond the subsumption architecture. In this work, an adaptive multitier architecture is presented which combines concepts of the Reflect Architecture and the robotic three tier architecture. The use of the architecture is shown in two examples, with one demonstrated live.


Christian Straube: Konzeption und Realisierung einer internen DSL in komponentenbasierten Architekturen

Projektarbeit - betreut von Andreas Schroeder

Der Artikel behandelt im Rahmen des REFLECT-Frameworks die Konzeption und Realisierung einer internen DSL zur Definition und Verifizierung von Konfigurations-Constraints der verwendeten Komponenten. Dazu wird ein allgemeiner Einstieg in die Entwicklung von DSLs - im speziellen von internen DSLs - und Constraints in komponentenbasierten Architekturen gegeben. Anschließend werden die einzelnen Bereiche der entwickelten internen DSL, einschließlich einer API, beleuchtet. Abschließend zeigt ein Themenausblick die Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten sowie Ansatzpunkte im Hinblick auf automatisiertes Lösen von Konfigurations-Constraints auf.


Fabian Kneißl: A Simulator for Social Networks

Projektarbeit - betreut von Dr. Rolf Hennicker, Dr. Uwe Sandner

Attempts have been made by several researchers in sociology to model the friendships of users in social networks. Regarding today's social network systems, the building of friendships is only one way to express user interaction, also other means like messaging and comments have to be regarded. The formalization of such a model based on recent research is one part of this work. This resulted in establishing Social Value and Social Activity components as measurement for the user's engagement in his social network. The second part consists of the implementation of a simulation software that is extensible enough to allow other researchers to easily implement own models and run tests using this software. Using this implementation, a realistic scenario is reproduced.


Leonid Begelman: Konfiguration und Rekonfiguration von komponentenbasierten Softwaresystemen

Diplomarbeit - betreut von Andreas Schroeder

Reconfiguration of component based systems is a field that have been extensively studied since years. Several component frameworks that support reconfiguration have been presented and studied from a theoretical AND PRACTAICAL point of view. However, the practical issue of writing reconfiguration rules was treated only scarecly. In this talk, a visual and textual approach to the specification of reconfigurations in the REFLECT framework is presented. Furthermore, the key properties of visual and textual approaches are discussed and compared.


Chao Wang: UI Modelling Approach: a Survey

Diplomarbeit - betreut von Gefei Zhang

Design and development of a User Interface (UI) has been facilitated by the presence of the Model-driven Engineering (MDE) methodology. The MDE methodology provides essential elements for a Model-Driven UI design process with modelling framework, model transformation, User Interface abstractions (UI models) and User Interface Description Languages (UIDL).

We present a survey of frameworks, UI models and UI abstractions, transformations and languages in the context of a model based UI design and development process. We put our research focus on an in-depth description of several common User Interface modelling approaches and apply them to model a running example. Based on the survey and the artifacts of the modelling, we analyze and evaluate these User Interface modelling approaches in terms of a series of standardized comparison criteria.