Chapter 6

Kurt N�rmark ©
Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark

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In this lecture we will discuss the continuation concept, as it is available in Scheme. Please notice that this lecture is only a half lecture, compared to the size of the earlier lectures in this collection

Introduction and motivation

Introduction and motivation
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There is a need to be able to escape from a deep expression, in exceptional cases, for instance

We are interested in a primitive which provides advanced control of the remaining part of a calculation - a so-called continuation - relative to some given point in it

  • Exit or exception mechanism:

    • The need to abandon some deep evaluation

    • Still within the functional context

  • Continuation

    • Capturing of continations

    • Exploring new control mechanisms by means of continuations

Scheme support first class continuations dressed as functions

'Jumping' with catch and throw

The catch and throw idea
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Catch and throw provides for an intuitively simple escape mechanism on functional ground


(catch 'id expr)


(throw 'id return-expression)

Scheme does not support catch and throw

Rather Scheme supports a much more powerful mechanisms based on the capturing of continations

A catch and throw example
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Exit from a list length function in case it discovers a non-empty tail of the list

Program: An example using catch and throw. Please notice that the example is not a proper Scheme program. Catch and throw are not defined in Scheme.
(define (list-length lst)
  (catch 'exit
    (letrec ((list-length1
               (lambda (lst) 
                 (cond ((null? lst) 0)
                   ((pair? lst) (+ 1 (list-length1 (cdr lst))))
                   (else (throw 'exit 'improper-list))))))
       (list-length1 lst))))

Catch and throw are not available in standard Scheme

The continuation idea

The intuition behind continuations
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The concept continuation: A continuation of the evaluation of an expresion E in a surrounding context C represents the entire future of the computation, which waits for the value of E

Table. An intuitive understanding of continuations of an expression in some context.
Context C and expression E

Inituitive continuation of E in C

(+ 5 (* 4 3))
The adding of 5 to the value of E
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '())))
The consing of 3, 2 and 1 to the value of E
(define x 5)
(if (= 0 x)
    (remainder (* (+ x 1) (- x 1)) x))
The multiplication of E by x - 1 followed by a division by x

Being more precise
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We can form a lambda expression that represents a continuation

Table. A more precise notation of the continuations of E
Context C and expression E

The continuation of E in C

(+ 5 (* 4 3))
(lambda (e) (+ 5 e))
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '())))
(lambda (e) (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 e))))
(define x 5)
(if (= 0 x)
    (remainder (* (+ x 1) (- x 1)) x))
(lambda (e) (remainder (* e (- x 1)) x))

The capturing of continuations
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Scheme provides a primitive that caputures a continuation of an expression E in a context C

The primitive is called call-with-current-continuation, or call/cc as a short alias

call/cc takes a parameter, which is a function of one parameter.

The parameter of the function is bound to the continuation, and the body of the function is E

Table. Use of call/cc and capturing of continuations.
Context C and the capturing

(+ 5 (call/cc (lambda (e) (* 4 3)) ))
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (call/cc (lambda (e) '()) ))))
(define x 5)
(if (= 0 x)
    (remainder (* (call/cc (lambda (e) (+ x 1)) ) (- x 1)) x))

Capturing, storing, and applying continuations
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We here show capturing, imperative assignment, and a subsequent application of a continuation

Table. Capturing and immediate application of the capture continuations. Notice that the vaues of the expressions E are ignored in these examples
Context C and expression E

Value of C

Application of continuation


(+ 5 
  (lambda (e) 
   (set! cont-remember e)
   (* 4 3))))
(cont-remember 3)
(cons 1 
 (cons 2 
  (cons 3 
    (lambda (e) 
     (set! cont-remember e)
(1 2 3)
(cont-remember '(7 8))
(1 2 3 7 8)
(define x 5)
(if (= 0 x)
     (* (call/cc 
         (lambda (e) 
          (set! cont-remember e)
          (+ x 1) ))
        (- x 1))
(cont-remember 3)

Use of continuations for escaping purposes
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We here illustrate applications of the continuations for escape purposes

Table. Capturing and use of a continuation for escaping purposes
Context C, capturing, and escape call


(+ 5 
 (call/cc (lambda (e) (* 4 (e 10)))) )
(cons 1 
 (call/cc (lambda (e) (cons 2 (cons 3 (e 'x))))) )
(1 . x)
(define x 5)

(if (= 0 x)
    (call/cc (lambda (e) (remainder (* (+ x 1) (- x (e 111))) x))) )

Practical examples

Practical example: Length of an improper list
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The length of an improper list is undefined

We chose to return the symbol improper-list if list-length encounters an improper list

This example is similar to the catch and throw example shown earlier in this section

Program: The function list-length, which returns the symbol 'improper-list in case it encounters an improper list.
(define (list-length l)
   (lambda (do-exit) (letrec ((list-length1 (lambda (l) (cond ((null? l) 0) ((pair? l) (+ 1 (list-length1 (cdr l)))) (else (do-exit 'improper-list)))))) (list-length1 l))) ))

Practical example: Seaching a binary tree
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Searching a binary tree involves a recursively defined tree traversal

If we find the node we are looking for it is convenient to throw the out of the tree traversal

Program: A tree search function which uses a countinuation found if we find what we search for. Notice that this examples requires the function subtree-list, in order to work. The function returns #f in case we do not find node we are looking for. Notice that it makes sense in this example to have both the if expression and the #f value in sequence!
(define (find-in-tree tree pred)
  (lambda (found) (letrec ((find-in-tree1 (lambda (tree pred) (if (pred tree) (found tree) (let ((subtrees (subtree-list tree))) (for-each (lambda (subtree) (find-in-tree1 subtree pred)) subtrees))) #f))) (find-in-tree1 tree pred))) ))

Practical example: Coroutines
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The implementation of coroutines is easily facilitated by capturing of continuations

Discussed at the black board

Contination passing style

Continuation passing style
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The concept continuation passing style: Continuation passing style is a programming technique which rely on an extra parameter to each function. The extra parameter represents the contination of the computation

Continuation passing style stands for a radical restructuring of a 'normal style' program

With contination passing style, the use of call-with-current-contination is not longer needed

Program: A determinant function programmed in direct style.
(define (determinant a b c)
  (sub (square b)
       (mult (mult 4 a) c)))

(define (square a)
  (mult a a))

(define (mult a b)
  (* a b))

(define (sub a b)
  (- a b))

Program: A determinant function programming in continuation passing style. In order to apply it, pass the identity function of one parameter, (lambda (x) x), as actual parameter.
(define (determinant a b c k0)
  (mult 4 a 
    (lambda (v1)
      (mult v1 c 
          (square b 
              (sub v3 v2 k0))))))))
(define (square a k1)
  (mult a a k1))

(define (mult a b k2)
  (k2 (* a b)))

(define (sub a b k3)
  (k3 (- a b)))

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Chapter 6: Continuations
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