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Oberseminar 19.05.2010

— abgelegt unter:

Wissenschaftlicher Vortrag: Daniel Méndez Fernández

  • Oberseminar
Wann 19.05.2010
von 14:15 bis 15:45
Wo Raum 057, Oettingenstr. 67
Termin übernehmen vCal
Achtung, dieses Oberseminar findet am MITTWOCH statt.

Daniel Méndez Fernández (TU München): Artefact-based Requirements Engineering and its Customisation


Requirements engineering (RE) builds a crucial part in software evolution. Nowadays, industries are more then ever facing the problem that the RE process is highly volatile due to dependencies on customers’ capabilities or used process models, both complicating a standardised RE process.

A promising solution is given by artefact-orientation that emphasises the results rather than dictating a strict development process. At such a basis one is able to incorporate domain-specific methods for producing artefacts in a consistent manner without having to take into account the variability of process definitions. Hence, one is able to build on a tailorable process regarding individual project environments, but also regarding process integration. Although artefact models are known to support customisable development processes, there still is no common agreement about the structure and semantics of artefact-based methodologies in general and artefact-based RE approaches in particular.

In this talk we discuss the principles of artefact-based RE, different views that can be taken and lessons learned from different projects of our research group. We give an overview over an artefact-based RE reference model for the application domain of business information systems that results from a research cooperation between the Technische Universität München and Capgemini sd&m. We show the basic concepts of customising this reference model considering process integration and customisation at individual project environments, before finally concluding with a discussion of ongoing work and different performed case studies.