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Oberseminar 19.07.2011

— abgelegt unter:

Vortrag: Introducing the Accenture Performance Engineering Framework

  • Oberseminar
Wann 19.07.2011
von 14:15 bis 15:45
Wo Raum 057 - 14:15
Termin übernehmen vCal

Vortag: Introducing the Accenture Performance Engineering Framework

Performance Engineering is the systematic process by which performance of an application is ensured by:


·          Planning and Designing
·          Modelling and Forecasting
·          Testing and Tuning


The purpose of the Accenture Performance Engineering Framework (PEF) is to provide an end to end framework from the Analysis to the Deployment phase on the topic of performance engineering. The lecture will introduce the Accenture approach which was developed for a recent client project and is based on our past project experiences with performance engineering.  It will highlight the general approach including reference activities, roles and deliverables required to tackle capacity planning, performance modeling & forecasting and performance testing & tuning.  It will also discuss the pragmatic mathematics and rationale behind specific decisions.

Accenture is looking forward to an interesting and interactive session.