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Oberseminar 08.11.12

— abgelegt unter:

Wissenschaftlicher Vortrag: Prof. Baumeister, Technical University of Denmark

  • Oberseminar
Wann 08.11.2012
von 16:15 bis 17:45
Wo Raum L109, Oettingenstr. 67
Termin übernehmen vCal

PST Oberseminar Methoden und Theorie der Software-Entwicklung


Datum und Zeit: Donnerstag, 8. November 2012 - 16:15 Uhr

Raum: L109, Oettingenstraße 67

Es spricht: Prof. Baumeister

Thema: Modelling and Monte Carlo Simulation of Waste Processes

The Department of Environmental Engineering at DTU is investigating the effect of waste processes on the environment. This effect is given by the amount of substances they use and produce (i.e. resources, like oil used for the transportation of the waste, and emissions, like CO2). To this end, waste processes are modeled starting from the creation of waste in house holds and industry, through their transportation, incineration, and finally storage.

Existing modelling software proved inadequate to cope with the changes required by the research on waste processes. One aspect is how to deal with uncertainty of the parameters used in the definition of waste processes. A possible solution is to run a Monte Carlo simulation with values for the parameters drawn from, e.g., a normal distribution.

The talk describes how Ruby and Fitnesse (an acceptance test framework) were used to create an executable model of waste processes, and how this model was extended with a new datatype to easily implement Monte Carlo simulation.
