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Oberseminar 08.12.2015

Studentenvorträge zu Projekt- und Abschlussarbeiten

14:15h - 15:45h

Raum 115, Oet. 67


Thanh-Son Dang - On Synchronous and Asynchronous Compatibility of Interacting Components

Masterarbeit, betreut von Prof. Dr. Rolf Hennicker

Various software systems, in particular distributed systems, nowadays have been implemented in an asynchronous way using asynchronous communication between components. In order to model and analyze the behaviours of components in asynchronous communication systems, a formal component model is used. However, existing formal component models often use a synchronous mechanism to define behaviour of communicating concurrent components. By means of a formal component model with I/O-transition systems as formal background, we consider asynchronous communication systems with fifo message buffers. As a first goal, we define the compatibility properties that should be satisfied for communicating components when they are put into a synchronous or asynchronous environment. The (formal) analysis of system- and component behaviours with asynchronous communication is expensive, because the fifo message buffer has to be taken into account. Moreover, the fifo message buffer is formally assumed to be potentially inifinite. That complicates the analysis of behaviours and verification of compatibility between asynchronously communicating components more. Hence, as a second goal, we reduce the analysis of component behaviours with asynchronous communication to the analysis of component behaviours with synchronous communication, which is easier and cheaper (since no fifo message buffer is used). We study two different kinds of compatibility properties, namely strong and weak compatibility, for two communicating components in closed or open systems. As a first result, we show that strong (weak) synchronous compatibility is a sufficient condition for strong (weak) asynchronous compatibility. As a second result, we provide a criterion to check if two communicating components are strong (weak) asynchronously compatible without derivation of their behaviours in asynchronous communication.


Michael Kirsch -Multi-Language Programming: A survey of professional software developers in industry

Masterarbeit betreut von Dr. Philip Mayer

This work describes the approach and the results of a survey of professio- nal software developers in industry. The topic of this online survey were multi-language software systems, cross language links and tool support in this field. 139 developers were asked in this survey to answer various ques- tions about their latest project and professional environment, sharing both their experience and opinion. Additionaly, demographic characteristics such as project size, experience, project duration and the occupation of a per- son were surveyed and analysed. The descriptive statistics analysis of the data showed among other things that multi-language programming is wi- despread, 6-8 languages were used in a project on average, and developers were working with at least four languages. According to the respondents there is a strong trend towards multi-language programming in the future. Furthermore the advantages and disadvantages of multi-language program- ming were examined, where the answers came out about equal. Nevertheless the analysis showed that, surprisingly, software developers report increased effort during development, but a positive effect on the motivation as well. In addition the study shows that some languages almost always had links to each other which resulted in almost all cases in typical problems. Espe- cially when changing source code, developers often encountered problems which they tried to solve with adequate tool support. It was also examined how important individual tool functions were for the developers and which features were available during development.


Warren Biltz - Matching Problems and Algorithmic Solutions

Bachelorarbeit, betreut von Prof. Dr. Majster-Cederbaum und Prof. Dr. Hennicker

This thesis investigates the underlying structure behind famous matching problems by building a generalized model, while explaining relevant terminology, examining instances of the model problems, and analyzing various mechanisms that select a matching for any given instance. Based on the combination of these findings, the creation of a software tool will be presented which allows the user to define and solve a specific instance of a matching problem. The conclusion is reached that the matching problems presented can be characterized based on the generalized model and can be solved using at least one of the presented mechanisms, the choice of which depends on the desired characteristics of the outcome.