These are the archived web pages of the Programming and Software Engineering Group (PST).
The web pages of the Software and Computational Systems Lab (SoSy) can be found on


GLOWA-Danube -- Integrative Techniques, Scenarios and Strategies for the Future of Water in the Upper Danube Basin.

Within GLOWA-Danube i am, amongst others, responsible for the development of the DeepActor framework which allows the socioeconomic disciplines of the project to model and implement agent-based social simulation models on a common conceptual and architectural basis. A detailed account on the framework's application is provided here:

Roland Barthel, Stephan Janisch, Nina Schwarz, Aleksandar Trifkovic, Darla Nickel, Carsten Schulz and Wolfram Mauser. An integrated modelling framework for simulating regional-scale actor responses to global change in the water domain. Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol 23 (9), Sep 2008, pp. 1095-1121. [pdf]

Additionally, there is a manual [ pdf] which gives some in-depth documentation of the framework structure from the model developer's point of view. The manual also provides an overview of the general development approach and the architecture. The framework will be available as part of an open source project related to DANUBIA soon.