These are the archived web pages of the Programming and Software Engineering Group (PST).
The web pages of the Software and Computational Systems Lab (SoSy) can be found on


Architecture oriented Java


Java/A is a component oriented extension of Java which integrates architectural concepts, e.g. components and connectors as language constructs into Java. Currently, the Java/A implementation includes  a compiler which translates Java/A source code into pure Java source code and the Java/A framework.


javaa.tar.gz (the Java/A implementation is a research prototype and not intended to be used for production code, therefore the LFE PST excludes liability.)


  • A. Knapp, S. Janisch, R. Hennicker, A. Clark, S. Gilmore, F. Hacklinger, H. Baumeister, M. Wirsing. Modelling the CoCoME with the Java/A component model, to appear, 2007.
  • H. Baumeister, F. Hacklinger, R. Hennicker, A. Knapp, M. Wirsing. A Component Model for Architectural Programming. In Proc. 2nd Int. Wsh. Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS'05), Elect. Notes Theo. Comp. Sci., 2005.
  • F. Hacklinger. Taking Components into Java. In W. Dosch and N. Debnath, Hrsg., Proc. 13th ISCA Conference, Intelligent and Adaptive Systems and Software Engineering, 2004.
  • F. Hacklinger. Java/A. Young Researchers Workshop, 7th Intl. Conf. on Software Reuse, Austin, Texas, 2002.


Since 2003 several students have participated and contributed to the Java/A project: Eva Kneitz, Johanna Martin, Prince Adenuga II. A. R., Anita Andonova, Stephan Bursche, Markus Hammerschmidt, Simone Gutjahr und Tatiana Morozowa.

Contact and Information

For information about the Java/A project please contact Florian Hacklinger.