These are the archived web pages of the Programming and Software Engineering Group (PST).
The web pages of the Software and Computational Systems Lab (SoSy) can be found on

Dr. Sebastian Bauer

Dipl.-Math. (Univ.)

 Sebastian Bauer

Between June 2008 and August 2012, I was a PhD student in the PST group of the computer sciene department, LMU München. In October 2012, I defended my PhD thesis with the title "Modal Specification Theories for Component-Based Design".

Research Interests

I am interested in semantic foundations of behavioral specifications of component interfaces. In my thesis, I worked on the theory of modal transition system and their use as a basis for interface theories for component-based design.


  • FIT 2012, Fourth International Workshop on Foundations of Interface Technologies, ETAPS 2012 satellite event, Tallinn, Estonia, March 25, 2011 (co-organizer, together with Jean-Baptiste Raclet)



  • MIO Workbench, the verification tool for modal input/output automata, developed at LMU München


My Erdös number is at most 5, for example through Erdös - Colbourn - Zhang - Rémy - Wirsing - Bauer.


Email: bauerse (at)