These are the archived web pages of the Programming and Software Engineering Group (PST).
The web pages of the Software and Computational Systems Lab (SoSy) can be found on

Programming and Software Engineering

Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Martin Wirsingvice president, professor
Prof. Dr. Rolf Hennicker, professor
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hesse
Prof. Dr. Mila Majster-Cederbaum
Prof. Dr. Fred Kröger, professor emeritus
Prof. Dr. Marcus Spies, professor (associated)
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Haggenmüller, professor


Teaching and Research Emphasis

  • Software development using formal methods
  • Algebraic specification techniques
  • Programming methodology
  • Functional and object-oriented programming
  • Semantics of specification and programming languages
  • Reuse of software components, software libraries
  • Temporal logics and their applications
  • Theory of parallel programs
  • Engineering of (secure) web applications


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Programmierung und Softwaretechnik
Oettingenstraße 67
D-80538 München
Tel.: +49 89 2180-9151
Fax: +49 89 2180-9175


Marianne Diem