- XLL - The Cross-Language Linking Project (2012-2017)
- QUANTICOL: A Quantitative Approach to Management and Design of Collective and Adaptive Behaviours, EU-funded STREP project, 2013-2017.
- FEMPA: Fluid Equivalences for Markovian Process Algebra, DFG Project, 2012-2015.
- DAPS: Scalable Design and Performance Analysis for Long-living Software Families, DFG SPP 1593 Project, 2012-2015.
- NESSoS: Network of Excellence on Engineering Secure Future Internet Software Services and Systems, EU-Funded Project, 2010-2014.
- ASCENS: Autonomic Service Component Ensembles, EU-funded Integrated Project, 2010-2014.
- PUMA: Doctorate Program Program- and Model Analysis, funded by DFG.
- REFLECT: Responsive Flexible Collaborating Ambient, EU-funded Specific Targeted Research Project, 2008-2011.
- RAJA: Development of a real-time und Rule-based Authorization framework on Java. IuK-Projekt
- UWE: UML-based Web Engineering (UWE Method, CASE tool ArgoUWE, OpenUWE Tool Suite).
- HUGO: Model checking of UML state machines and collaborations
- MAEWA II: Model Driven Engineering of adaptive Rich Internet Applications, funded by DFG, 2009-2011.
- GLOWA-Danube: Integrative Techniques, Scenarios and Strategies for the Future of Water in the upper Danube Basin: Development of a Distributed Modeling and Decision Support System, funded by BMBF, 2000-2010.
- SENSORIA: Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers, EU-funded Integrated Project, 2005-2010.
- INTERLINK: International Cooperation Activities in Future and Emerging ICTs, EU-funded Coordinated Action.
- MAEWA I: Model-Driven Engineering of Web Applications, DFG Project
- mashlab: Internetportal for persons enganged in the cultural sector, Exist-Seed BMWi-Project.
- InOpSys: Interoperability of Calculi for System Modelling
- BEYOND-THE-HORIZON "Anticipating Future and Emerging Information Society Technologies", EU-funded Coordination Action, 2004-2006
- AGILE: Architectures for Mobility
- InfoZertVerification and Certification of Information Flow (DFG-Projekt)
- MMISS - MultiMedia Instructions in Safe Systems
- CARUSO: Customer Care and Relationship Support Office
- SEMPER: Modellierung und Bewertung des zeitlichen Verhaltens von Systemen.
- gCM: Grenzenloses Credential-Management, IUK-Project
- HiLA: High-Level Aspects (for UML State Machines)
- Java/A: A Java based architectural programming language.
- Hyena: a connected information manager based on RDF, Ajax, and Eclipse.
- PUSH: Process-Driven Software Production Environment.
- CoCoME: Common Component Modelling Example.
- LWAA Spin: An extension of the SPIN model checker by linear weak alternating automata.
- OCLexec: Code generation from OCL operation contracts.
- Knowledge Master
- LAMP: Lecture-Oriented Cooperation of Computer Science Departments
- Constraint-based Programming
- Constraint Handling Rules
- ZEITRAUM: Spatio-temporal Reasoning for GIS
- TACLP: Temporal Annotated Constraint Logic Programming
- DexVal: Simulating and Analyzing Hybrid Systems
- JCK: Java Constraint Kit
- FLPC - Functional Programming with CONSTRAINTS
- Software System Verification (DAAD programme INIDA)
- Spatio-temporal logics for mobile systems (DAAD-Programm PROCOPE)
- Denotational semantics for concurrent object-oriented languages (DAAD programme VIGONI)
- The Munich Rent Advisor
- FORSOFT: Project A2 - Distributed Systems in Open Nets
- EPKfix : Methods and Tools for efficient Design of Electronical Product Catalogues
- OSIDRIS: Object-Oriented Specification and Verification of distributed Systems
- DeStijl: Design and Specification Through Interfacing and Joining Languages
- Methods and tools for the development of complex software using TLA (DAAD-Programm PROCOPE)
- Implicit Polymorphism with Subtypes
- Compositional Specification and Verification Parallel Programs
- Model Theory of Temporal Logical Specifications
- ATMTS: Algebraic Tools for Modelling Telecommunication Systems
- CafeOBJ
- MeDiCiS: Methodology for the Development of Computer System Specifications
- COMPASS: A Comprehensive Algebraic Approach to System Specification and Development
- KORSO: Modularization and Reuse of Specifications
- CSDM: Correct Software Development